2:09 PM | Author: Jack Murphy
More and more people today are looking for ways to go green in their homes, apartments & offices. If you're looking to bring new life to your home living room, bathrooms, kitchen or other areas, consider LED lights in place of traditional bulbs & other home lights. These are a great way to "go green" & do your part for the environment. There's also benefits to your wallet as well as you can reduce costs significantly

Now that energy efficiency in home lighting is becoming more prevalent, we also see improvements in lighting design and an increase in the use of LED lights in home lighting systems. Most of us should be familiar with the typical incandescent light bulb. It's filled with gas as well as a filament stretched across the inside. In traditional bulbs, electricity runs across the filament, it heats up and causes the bulb to glow. Incandescent bulbs create a lot of wasted energy as they produce more heat than light .

A new alternative exists- the LED (light emitting diode) bulb. Led lights give a brighter light, lower energy use & longer lasting bulb.

Another great thing about LED lights is that they now available in a variety of shapes & sizes to fit the lighting fixtures you already have in your home. This makes it easier than ever before to update your home with new, energy efficient, LED lighting. No expensive refitting, just screw in the new bulb and you on your way to a greener, cheaper lifestyle

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